New culvert, repairs for the Government Road bridge

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It has been three weeks since the Government Road bridge was closed for repairs, and last week crews installed a new culvert into the bridge.
The bridge was closed so that the City of Weyburn could undertake some maintenance and repairs, including replacing a culvert inside of the bridge.
The bridge was closed in June, after an inspection of the storm sewer on Government Road had discovered that the storm sewer had significant failure that caused a hollow area at the northeast corner of the bridge that could affect its stability in the longer term.
Sean Abram, director of engineering for the City of Weyburn, reported that the crews were going to open the culvert gates over the weekend.
“There were a couple of slowdowns on the bridge repair, since we had to call crews to repair a few water main breaks,” said Abram.
He reported that there were at least two to three water main breaks every week, during the last few weeks, that the crews had to immediately repair.
Once the opening of the culvert is completed, concrete will be poured and allowed to cure. Then, crews will replace the asphalt on the bridge, before opening it to city traffic.
Currently, alternate routes for drivers include the Third Street entrance at Highway 39, the intersection of Highway 39 and Highway 13 or taking Highway 39 to 16th Street.
In other news, line painting for the city’s roads, crosswalks and intersections started on Thursday evening.
The contractor tendered for the job will have crews out during the evenings, which will mean less traffic delays.